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(中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院,北京 100083)

摘  要:为解决传统的小孔成像测距算法需要给出待测物体的形状信息而较为烦琐的问题,提出一种基于大多数机器人摄像头的高度不需要改变的情形,利用针孔相机模型,找出像素坐标系和世界坐标系的转换关系,输入至少三对现实世界和像素世界的点对后,便可以实现对地面和立于地面上的物体进行测距的目的。该算法实现简单,且一定范围内测距精度较高。



基金项目:北京市大学生科学研究与创业行 动计划项目(C202004853)

中图分类号:TP391.4;TP242                          文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0118-04

Ground Distance Measurement Based on Monocular Camera

HUANG Chenglong,ZHOU Yufeng,SUN Huini,MENG Kai,LI Keyao

(School of Mechanical Electronic & Information Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Beijing 100083,China)

Abstract:In order to solve the troublesome problem that the traditional pinhole imaging distance measurement algorithm needs to give the shape information of the object to be measured,a situation based on the height of most robot cameras does not need to be changed is proposed. The pinhole camera model is used to find out the transformation relationship between pixel coordinate system and world coordinate system. After inputting at least three pairs of point pairs in the real world and pixel world,it can be completed to the ground and the object on the ground distance measurement. The algorithm is simple to implement and has high accuracy in measuring distance in a certain range.

Keywords:monocular camera;ground distance measurement;mobile robot;pinhole camera model


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作者简介:黄成龙(2000—),男,汉族,江西赣州人,本科 在读,研究方向:嵌入式移动机器人。