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基于 Unity3D 的 2D 塔防游戏设计与实现
(四川大学锦城学院 计算机与软件学院,四川 成都 611731)

摘  要:Unity3D 是当前国内外广泛使用的游戏开发软件,其所开发出的塔防游戏自游戏发展以来就十分盛行。该项目基于 Unity3D 开发了一款塔防游戏。其主要功能包括防御塔放置、敌人孵化、关卡管理、音效控制、UI 界面以及最后的积分管理。该项目摒弃了传统关卡设计,通过关卡内的难度上升而达到提升游戏难度的目的。通过该项目,可以让玩家体验到难度层层递增、挑战性极强的塔防游戏。



中图分类号:TP311                                    文献标识码:A                                        文章编号:2096-4706(2021)07-0071-04

Design and Implementation of 2D Tower Defense Game Based on Unity3D

ZHANG Baobao

(School of Computer and Software,Jincheng College of Sichuan University,Chengdu 611731,China)

Abstract:Unity3D is game development software that is widely used at home and abroad at present. Tower defense games developed by it are extremely popular since the development of games. This project develops a tower defense game based on Unity3D. It’s main functions include defense tower placement,enemy hatching,gate management,sound effect control,UI interface,and the final points management. Instead of traditional gate design,this project aims to increase the difficulty of the game by increasing the difficulty within the gate. Through this project,players can experience the tower defense game with increasing difficulty and strong challenge.

Keywords:Unity3D;C#;tower defense


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作者简介:张宝宝(2000—)男,汉族,四川宜宾人,本科在 读,研究方向:VR 与游戏开发。