摘 要:随着计算机技术的更新发展,信息技术也产生了革命性的变化,信息的传播方式开始向网络化转变,博客网站在此形势下应运而生。然而,现有的第三方博客网站存在各种问题,例如网站的广告多、恶意弹窗等。鉴于此,该文设计了一个小型的个人博客网站,使用的开发语言为 Java,采用后端框架 SpringBoot、持久层框架 Mybatis、前端框架 SemanticUI 以及模板引擎 Thymeleaf。该博客系统具有简洁、轻量化的特点,使人们免去了各种广告、恶意弹窗等烦扰,提供更加方便的博客平台。
中图分类号:TP393.092 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0104-05
Design and Implementation of Personal Blog System Based on SpringBoot+Mybatis
LIU Zifan,GUO Yujun
(School of Computer and Software,Jincheng College of Sichuan University,Chengdu 611731,China)
Abstract:With the update and development of computer technology,information technology also has a revolutionary change, the way of information dissemination came to the network,blog website came into being in this situation. However,the existing thirdparty blog websites have various problems,such as more advertisements,malicious pop ups and so on. In view of this,this paper designs a small personal blog website,using Java as the development language,using the back-end framework SpringBoot,persistence layer framework Mybatis,front-end framework SemanticUI and template engine Thymeleaf. The blog system has the characteristics of simplicity and lightweight,so that people can avoid all kinds of advertisements,malicious pop ups and other annoyances,and provide a more convenient blog platform.
Keywords:personal blog;SpringBoot;Mybatis;Thymeleaf
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作者简介:刘子凡(1999—),男,汉族,四川绵阳人,本 科在读,研究方向:软件工程;郭昱君(1994—),女,汉族,山 西太原人,硕士研究生,研究方向:管理学。