摘 要:Unity3D 是目前国内相对流行的游戏开发软件,而音乐游戏也是自游戏发展以来就极其盛行。文章基于 Unity3D开发制作了一款音乐游戏,其主要功能包括人物控制、按键消音、乐谱管理、分数统计、UI 界面与音效以及特效播放。该游戏与传统音乐游戏不同,添加了动画人物以及打击动作,使音乐游戏与动作游戏相互结合。通过此游戏,玩家们能够在游玩之余享受音乐以及通关的乐趣。
关键词:Unity3D;C#;FL Studio
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0112-04
Music Game Making Based on Unity3D
ZHANG Beibei
(School of Computer and Software,Jincheng College of Sichuan University,Chengdu 611731,China)
Abstract:Unity3D is a relatively popular game development software in China at present,and music games are also extremely popular since the development of the games. In this paper,a music game is developed and made based on Unity3D. It’s main functions include character control,key silencing,music score management,score statistics,UI interface,sound effect and special effect playing. The game is different from the traditional music games,adding animated characters and strike actions,which makes music games and action games combine with each other. Through this game,players can enjoy music and clearance fun while playing.
Keywords:Unity3D;C#;FL Studio
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作者简介:张贝贝(2000—)男,汉族,四川宜宾人,本科在 读,研究方向:VR 与游戏开发。