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基于 Havok 引擎的物理碰撞与检测技术的研究与实现
(湛江幼儿师范专科学校,广东 湛江 524084)

摘  要:在 Director 开发平台下首先对 Havok 引擎进行初始化,其次设置场景中的重力、模型质量、刚体等各方面的属性,通过 Havok 引擎模拟真实的物理碰撞。最后对刚体与刚体、刚体与非刚体的碰撞检测进行分析研究,得出结论:基于Havok 引擎的物理碰撞与检测技术在 Director 开发平台下适合游戏开发、模拟复杂的物理现象等虚拟现实的制作。

关键词:刚体;Havok 引擎;碰撞检测


课题项目:湛江幼儿师范专科学校校级课题 (2019ZYCQ33)

中图分类号:TP391.9                                    文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0122-03

Research and Implementation of Physical Collision and Detection Technology Based on Havok Engine


(Zhanjiang Preschool Education College,Zhanjiang 524084,China)

AbstractUnder the Director development platform,the Havok engine is initialized firstly,and then the gravity,model quality,rigid body and other attributes in the scene are set. The Havok engine simulates real physical collisions. Finally,the collision detection between rigid body and rigid body,rigid body and non-rigid body is analyzed and researched,and it is concluded that the physical collision and detection technology based on Havok engine is suitable for virtual reality production such as game development and simulation of complex physical phenomena under the Director development platform.

Keywordsrigid body;Havok engine;collision detection


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作者简介:林海(1976.10—),男,汉族,广东湛江人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:虚拟现实技术,人工智能。