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(安徽铜冠智能科技有限责任公司,安徽 铜陵 244000)

摘  要:考勤管理是企业维护正常工作秩序的一项基础性工作,文章以企业考勤管理工作为研究对象,重点阐述了以深度挖掘分析考勤数据为核心的考勤管理系统的建设思路和实现方式,通过集成人员身份识别系统实现考勤业务管理的电子化、流程化、规范化,为相关企业人力资源管理和进出厂安全管理的流程化、精细化、智能化提供参考依据。



中图分类号:TP315                                          文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0070-05

Design and Implementation of Attendance Management System Based on Cloud Platform

WEI Andong

(Anhui Tongguan Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tongling 244000,China)

Abstract:Attendance management is a basic work for enterprises to maintain normal work order. Taking enterprise attendance management work as the research object,this paper focuses on the construction ideas and implementation methods of attendance management system with in-depth mining and analysis of attendance data as the core,and realizes the electronization,process and standardization of attendance business management by integrating personnel identity identification system. It provides a reference basis for the process, refinement and intelligence of human resource management and incoming and outgoing safety management of relevant enterprises.

Keywords:attendance management;cloud platform;entrance guard;identity identification


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作者简介:魏安东(1983—),男,汉族,安徽桐城人,计算 机工程师,本科,研究方向:项目管理。