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(上海东华地方铁路开发有限公司,上海 200070)

摘  要:桥上轨道线路的线形会随着桥梁墩台及路基的位移发生变化,当线形变化严重时会危害行车安全。准确地预测桥上铁路桥墩位移、路基位移对轨道线形的影响有利于监测线路状态,保障既有线路的安全运行。文章开发了一套高铁线形智能化信息系统,可根据墩台及路基位移变化计算线形变化,对轨道线形进行良好的预测与控制,方便工务人员进行管理。文章介绍了该系统的开发原理及小程序、Web 端页面使用方法。



中图分类号:TP315                                        文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0058-05

Development and Utilization of Intelligent Information System for High Speed Railway Alignment


(Shanghai Donghua Local Railway Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200070, China)

Abstract: The alignment of track line on bridge will change with the displacement of bridge pier and subgrade. When the alignment changes seriously, it will endanger the traffic safety. Accurately predicting the influence of bridge pier displacement and subgrade displacement on track alignment is conducive to monitoring the line status and ensuring the safe operation of existing lines. In this paper, an intelligent information system for high-speed railway alignment is developed, which can calculate the alignment change according to the displacement change of pier and subgrade, predict and control the track alignment well, and facilitate the management of track maintenance personnel. This paper introduces the development principle of the system and the usage method of small program and web page.

Keywords: high speed railway adjacent line construction monitoring; alignment prediction; intelligent management; software developmen


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作者简介:王纲(1972—),男,汉族,上海人,高级工程师, 学士学位,研究方向:土木工程、轨道交通结构施工等。