摘 要:随着电网建设难度、竞争激烈程度的增加,迫切要求采用更先进的技术来解决好电网工程中涉及的相关问题,提高电网工程设计的水平和服务质量。三维设计是新一代数字智能设计平台的基础,电网三维设计有利于提高设计质量和效率。但三维设计的评审具有更多的机械性重复工作,专家的评审效率低下且存在评审尺度不一的问题。为此,文章设计了电网三维设计辅助评审系统,可以帮助专家更好地完成评审工作,提高评审效率和质量。
中图分类号:TP181 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)15-0105-05
Research on Intelligent Aided Review of Power Grid 3-D Design Based on Deep Learning
CHEN Hong1 , GUAN Weiya 1 , QIN Jialin2 , CHEN Jianfei 2
(1.State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Economic and Technological Research Institute, Nanjing 210000, China; 2.CEC Technical and Economic Consulting Center Of Electric Power Construction, Beijing 100053, China)
Abstract: With the increasing difficulty and fierce competition of power grid construction, it is urgent to adopt more advanced technology to solve the relevant problems involved in power grid engineering and improve the level of power grid engineering design and service quality. 3-D design is the basis of the new generation of digital intelligent design platform. power grid 3-D design is conducive to improve design quality and efficiency. However, the review of 3-D design has more mechanical repetitive work, the review efficiency of experts is low, and there are problems of different review scales. Therefore, this paper designs an auxiliary evaluation system for power grid 3-D design, which can help experts better complete the evaluation work and improve the evaluation efficiency and quality.
Keywords: deep learning; power grid 3-D design; intelligent aided review
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