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基于 OpenCV 与信息融合的手势识别研究
(1. 宁夏大学新华学院 信息与计算机科学系,宁夏 银川 750001;2. 宁夏交通学校,宁夏 银川 750000)

摘  要:针对传统手势识别准确率不高、运算复杂度高的问题,采用 YCbCr 肤色分割算法与运动检测方法结合,保留手势图像;分类、分层手势图像识别,即通过手指数目 m 可做判据的,及剩余手势构建手势模型参数 Ki;通过模板匹配判别,并比较文章方法与传统 Hu 不变矩方法的识别效果,该方法可针对预定义的 11 种手势进行快速、准确的判别,具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性。

关键词:手势识别;图像处理;OpenCV;Hu 不变矩;几何特征;肤色分割


基金项目:宁夏大学新华学院科学研究基 金项目研究成果(19XHKY05)

中图分类号:TP391.4                                   文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)15-0116-03

Research on Gesture Recognition Based on OpenCV and Information Fusion

LIU Xinyang1 , LI Chengbo2

(1.School of Information and Computer Science, Xinhua College of Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750001, China; 2.Ningxia Jiaotong School, Yinchuan, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the problems of low accuracy and high computational complexity of traditional gesture recognition, combines the YCbCr skin color segmentation algorithm and the motion detection method to retain the gesture image; classification and hierarchical recognition of gesture images, that is, the criterion can be made by the number of fingers m, and the remaining gestures construct the gesture model parameter Ki . The result of template matching is judged, and the recognition effect of the method in this paper and the traditional Hu invariant moment method are compared. This method can quickly and accurately distinguish 11 predefined gestures with high accuracy and robustness.

Keywords: gesture recognition; image processing; OpenCV; Hu invariant moment; geometric features; skin color segmentation


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作者简介:刘馨阳(1993.10—),女,汉族,内蒙古巴彦淖尔人,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:图像处理与模式识别;李成 博(1994.02—),男,汉族,宁夏吴忠人,本科,研究方向:图 像处理。