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(广电运通金融电子科技有限公司,广东 广州 510663)

摘  要:在视频监控场景中,由于车辆外观的多样性、车辆间的相似性以及应用场景的复杂性,导致算法难以区分不同的车辆目标;同时,实际应用对车辆重识别算法的实时性也提出了要求。为兼顾精度和速度,进行了以下工作:首先,构建了一个场景复杂、含有近百万张车辆图片的数据集;其次,对车辆重识别算法的数据预处理、网络结构、后处理三个方面进行详细实验;最后,对模型进行蒸馏与量化,在保证模型精度的情况下提高模型速度。最终在自研测试集上的重识别精度达到了 93.35% Rank1 和 76.30% mAP,推理速度达到了 400.6 FPS,满足了实际应用需求。



基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划项目 (2019B010153002)

中图分类号:TP391.4                                 文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)17-0095-05

Research on Accurate and Efficient Vehicle Re-identification Algorithm for Complex Scenes

JIN Xiaofeng,HUANG Yanjie, XU Tianshi, HUANG Yuheng, HUANG Yuezhen

(Guangzhou GRGBanking Equipment Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China)

Abstract: In the video surveillance scene, due to the diversity of vehicle appearance, the similarity between vehicles and the complexity of application scene, it is difficult for the algorithm to distinguish different vehicle targets; at the same time, the real-time performance of vehicle re-recognition algorithm is also required in practical application. In order to give consideration to accuracy and speed, the following work is carried out: firstly, a data set with complex scenes and nearly one million vehicle images is constructed; secondly, detailed experiments on data preprocessing, network structure and post-processing of vehicle re-recognition algorithm are carried out; finally, the model is distilled and quantified to improve the model speed while ensuring the accuracy of the model. Eventually, the rerecognition accuracy on the self-developed test set reaches 93.35% Rank1 and 76.30% mAP, and the reasoning speed reaches 400.6 FPS, which meets the needs of practical application.

Keywords: video surveillance; vehicle re-recognition; model design


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作者简介:金晓峰(1985—),男,汉族,山东潍坊人,广电运通智能安全研究院副院长,高级工程师,博士研究生,研究方向: 计算机视觉、视频大数据。