摘 要:随着现代社会信息技术的飞速发展,各个领域的“互联网 +”应用应运而生,集成了云计算、大数据、人工智能技术,广泛应用于人们生产生活和工作学习中。按照国家教育改革要求,高校在推进信息化建设的过程中,学生档案管理作为一项重要工作,或多或少存在着管理技术落后、系统技术老旧、学生档案丢失损毁等问题。文章基于“互联网 +”理念,提出了高校学生档案管理系统的原型设计方案,有效提高了高校学生档案管理工作的效率。
关键词:互联网 +;学生档案管理;档案管理系统
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)17-0107-03
Prototype Design of University Student Archive Management System under “Internet Plus” Environment
ZHAO Feiyan, ZHANG Binghu
(1.Shaanxi Institute of Technology, Xi'an 710300, China; 2.The 69242 Troops, Turpan 838000, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology in modern society, “Internet plus” applications in various fields emerge as the times require. They have integrated cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence and other technologies, and are widely used in people's production, life, work and study. According to the requirements of national education reform, in the process of promoting informatization construction in universities, student archive management, as an important work, more or less has some problems, such as backward management technology, old system technology, the loss and damage in student achieves and so on. Based on the concept of “Internet plus”, this paper proposes a prototype design scheme for university student archive management system, which effectively improves the efficiency of student archive management in universities.
Keywords: internet plus; student archive management; archive management system
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作者简介:赵飞燕(1989.05—),女,汉族,陕西西安人, 助教,本科,研究方向:计算机基础与学生管理。