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(广州航海学院,广东 广州 510725)

摘  要:针对大量阅读者的阅读能力制约着其阅读效果的难题提出了一种基于机器学习的馆内行为模式分析方法。首先,研究了一种“宏 - 微”复合视觉成像方法及工作原理;其次,研究了基于图像特征的阅读行为模式识别算法;最后,将基于馆内目标图像获取的阅读行为模式与实际的阅读行为模式进行对比分析。并由实验验证该文提出的方法能够精准、稳定地识别馆内阅读者的阅读行为模式。



课题项目:广州市教育科学规划 2019 年度 课题(201911942)

中图分类号:TP18                                      文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0067-05

Analysis of Reading Behavior Patterns in the Library Based on Machine Learning

XU Zhimin, SHI Lingling, XIAO Shan, GUO Yanyao, ZOU Jiashu

(Guangzhou Maritime University, Guangzhou 510725, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the difficult problem that a large number of readers’ reading ability restricts their reading effect, a library behavior pattern analysis method based on machine learning is proposed. Firstly, a “macro-micro” composite vision imaging method and its working principle are studied; secondly, the reading behavior pattern recognition algorithm based on image features is studied; finally, the reading behavior patterns obtained based on the target images in the library are compared with the actual reading behavior patterns. Experiments show that the proposed method in this paper can accurately and stably identify the reading behavior patterns of readers in the library.

Keywords: reading behavior pattern; machine vision; eye tracking; SVM


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作者简介:许智敏(1988—),女,汉族,广东广州人,图书馆馆员,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:阅读素养分析、数据挖掘; 施玲玲(2000—),女,汉族,广东陆丰人,本科在读,主要研究方向: 机器视觉;肖珊(1999—),女,汉族,福建龙岩人,本科在读, 主要研究方向:机器人技术、机器视觉技术;郭雁瑶(2001—),女, 汉族,广东陆丰人,本科在读,主要研究方向:机器视觉、深度学习; 邹嘉书(2001—),男,汉族,广东梅州人,本科在读,主要研究方向:机械设计。