摘 要:根据国家政策,各高职院校每年都要报送高基报表,填报工作费时费力,该高基报表统计数据的获取方法是基于Excel2016 环境,用 Power Query+VBA 以及数据透视表来实现,通过 PowerQuery 和 VBA 动态获取数据平台基础数据,然后对基础数据进行清洗,分析处理得到所想要的统计数据,该方法是一种全新的尝试,拓宽了数据获取的途径,提高了统计数据采集填报的效率。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0101-04
Research on the Method of Getting“High-base Report” from “Basic Data”
MA Haijun1 , QI Shumei 2
(1.Ningxia Technical College of Wine and Desertification Prevention, Yinchuan 750199, China; 2.Gulou Branch of Yinchuan 21st Primary School, Yinchuan 750001, China)
Abstract: According to the national policy, each higher vocational college should submit the high-base reports every year, which is time-consuming and laborious. The obtaining method of the statistical data of the high-base reports is implemented based on Excel 2016 environment, using Power Query+VBA and PivotTable. The basic data of data platform is dynamically obtained through PowerQuery and VBA, and then the basic data is cleaned, analyzed and processed to obtain the desired statistical data. This method is a new attempt, which widens the way of data acquisition and improves the efficiency of statistical data collection and reporting.
Keywords:Excel; PowerQuery; VBA; data cleaning; model
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作者简介:马海军(1980.12—),男,汉族,宁夏银川人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:计算机基础应用。