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基于 UE4 的自然场景制作要点分析与关键技术实现
(江苏联合职业技术学院 苏州分院,江苏 苏州 215009)

摘  要:随着计算机软硬件技术的发展,人们对于虚拟场景视觉效果的要求越来越高,UE4 作为当前主流的游戏引擎和开发工具,在场景制作和渲染方面具有出色的表现,成为游戏开发和 VR 设计中自然场景制作的首要选择。文章以自然场景的地形、天气变化、四季交替三种情况为研究对象,探索基于 UE4 引擎的自然环境制作的技术要点和实现方法。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                         文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0158-04

Key Points Analysis and Key Technology Implementation of Natural Scene Production Based on UE4

PAN Shujie

(Suzhou Branch of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute, Suzhou 215009, China)

Abstract: With the development of computer software and hardware technology, people have higher and higher requirements for the visual effects of virtual scenes. As the current mainstream game engine and development tool, UE4 has excellent performance in scene production and rendering and becomes the premier choice for natural scene production in game development and VR design. This paper takes the terrain of natural scenes, weather change, and four seasons change as the research objects, and explores the technical points and implementation methods of natural environment production based on the UE4 engine.

Keywords: UE4; blueprint; natural scene; key technology


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作者简介:潘舒洁(1984—),女,汉族,江苏苏州人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:计算机教学、虚拟现实。