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基于 RegNet 网络的岩石图像模式识别
(韩山师范学院 数学与统计学院,广东 潮州 521041)

摘  要:建立了以岩石图片为输入的深度学习模型,以实现岩石类型的智能识别。该模型基于 RegNet 网络结构,通过探索网络设计空间特征,高效获取模型的最优参数组合。为了提高类型的识别率,在数据预处理中采用了置信学习和数据增强等方法和技巧,在训练阶段采用了迁移学习方法。实验表明,该模型的识别准确率达到 89.94%,在某些类别的召回率甚至高达 100%。

关键词:RegNet 网络;模式识别;置信学习;数据增强;迁移学习


基金项目:2021博士启动项目(QD202129);2021 年度教育厅教育科学规划项目(2021GXJK212)

中图分类号:TP18                                          文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0063-04

Rock Image Pattern Recognition Based on RegNet Network

LIN Haitao, ZHENG Qunhao, LIN Jiayi, CHEN Peiyi

(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou 521041, China)

Abstract: This paper builds a deep learning model with inputting rock images to realize intelligent identification of rock types. The model is based on the RegNet network structure, efficiently obtains optimal parameter combination by exploring the network design spatial features. In order to improve the identification rate of types, this paper uses methods and techniques such as confidence learning and data augmentation in data preprocessing, and uses transfer learning method during the training phase. Experiments show that the identification accuracy of the model achieves 89.94%, and the recall rate for some types is even as high as 100%.

Keywords: RegNet network; pattern recognition; confidence learning; data augmentation; transfer learning


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