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基于 TinyYOLOv2 的轻量化人流监控装置的 设计与实现
(天津职业技术师范大学 电子工程学院,天津 300222)

摘  要:人流密度监控对于场所秩序以及在场公民的安全保障有十分重要的意义。基于 TinyYOLOv2 搭建人脸检测平台,通过 K210 系统级芯片实现了轻量化的人员统计与人流密度监控装置。静态数据库模拟和动态实景测试的结果表明,该装置可实现多目标检测,并在实景条件下达到96.5%的人员数量统计准确率,可在保证人流监控精度的前提下有效降低疫情交叉感染的风险。




中图分类号:TP18                                          文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0081-03

Design and Implementation of Lightweight Pedestrian Flow Monitoring Device Based on TinyYOLOv2

LU Yuchen, MEI Jianqiang

(School of Electronic Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China)

Abstract: The monitoring of crowd density is of great significance to the order of the place and the safety of the citizens present. A face detection platform is built based on TinyYOLOv2, and a lightweight personnel statistics and crowd density monitoring device is realized through K210 system level chip. The results of static database simulation and dynamic real scene test show that the device can realize multi-target detection, and achieve a statistical accuracy of 96.5% in the number of people under real scene conditions, which can effectively reduce the risk of cross infection of the epidemic on the premise of ensuring the accuracy of pedestrian flow monitoring.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; deep learning; neural network; object detection; pedestrian flow monitoring


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