摘 要:人工智能交互领域的不断发展,使计算机视觉技术的研究更加深入且多样化。人体姿态识别是计算机视觉中的一个重要的基础问题。文章基于计算机视觉开展人体姿态识别研究,通过 VGGNet 模型实现神经网络预测,采用 Openpose 算法获取 18 个人体关键点位置和置信度,根据 PAF 和二分图算法实现关节拼接。实验基于 MS COCO 2017 数据集建立优化模型,在测试集上达到了 96.31% 的准确率。最后,文章实现了能够识别出人体骨骼姿态的系统。
中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0087-06
Research on Human Posture Recognition Based on Computer Vision
SHENG Yang, WANG Jianqing
(School of Medical Technology and Information Engineering, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China)
Abstract: The constant development of the field of Artificial Intelligence interaction makes the research of computer vision technology become deeper and more diverse. Human posture recognition is an important basic problem in computer vision. This paper researches the human posture recognition based on computer vision, realizes the neural network prediction through VGGNet model, obtains the position and confidence level of 18 human key points by using Openpose algorithm, and realizes the joint splicing according to the PAF and bipartite graph algorithm. The experiment establishes optimization model based on MS COCO 2017 data set, and it achieves 96.31% accuracy rate on the test set. Finally, the paper realizes a system that can recognize the posture of human bones.
Keywords: human posture recognition; posture detection; Openpose; neural network; visualization
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