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基于 SqueezeNet-Tiny 的可回收垃圾智能 垃圾桶设计及实现
李长江¹,余海涛 ²,李官星³,李玥洋²,谭雯文²
(1. 重庆科技学院 机械与动力工程学院,重庆 401331;2. 凤鸣山中学,重庆 400030;3. 重庆工程职业技术学院,重庆 402260)

摘  要:文章提出一种对 SqueezeNet 神经网络改进策略,通过删除第三个 Maxpooling 层,同时将第一个卷积层的卷积核大小设置成 3×3,创建轻量化 SqueezeNet-Tiny 模型,并在具有复杂背景的可回收垃圾数据集(Recyclable Waste Dataset,简称 RW Dataset)上验证了改进的有效性。将 SqueezeNet-Tiny 迁移到硬件设施,完成了智能分类垃圾桶的设计和制作,识别精度可达 94.68%,参数量仅为 0.74 M,基本满足工程化应用的需求。



中图分类号:TP242                                         文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0075-03

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Garbage Can for Recyclable Garbage Based on SqueezeNet-Tiny

LI Changjiang1, YU Haitao2, LI Guanxing3, LI Yueyang2, TAN Wenwen2

(1.School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China; 2.Fengmingshan Middle School, Chongqing 400030, China; 3.Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering, Chongqing 402260, China)

Abstract: This paper proposes an improvement strategy for the SqueezeNet neural network. By deleting the third Maxpooling layer and setting the convolution kernel size of the first convolutional layer to 3 × 3, a lightweight SqueezeNet-Tiny model is created. The effectiveness of the improvement is verified on the Recyclable Waste Dataset (RW Dataset) with complex background. The SqueezeNetTiny is migrated to hardware  facilities, and the design and production of intelligent sorting garbage cans are completed. The recognition accuracy can reach 94.68%, and the parameter quantity is only 0.74 M, which basically meets the needs of engineering applications.

Keywords: SqueezeNet; recyclable garbage; smart sorting garbage can; industrial application


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