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基于 MATLAB 的 Canny 图像边缘检测优化与实现
(重庆电子工程职业学院,重庆 401331)

摘  要:图像边缘是图像最基本也是最重要的特征,是图像处理目前研究的一个热点。各种算子在图像边缘识别方面各有优缺点,其中 Canny 算子具有不易受噪声影响且可以检测到真正弱边缘的优势。通过自行优化 Canny 边缘检测的处理过程和算子,发现 Canny 算子对滤波参数的选择和高低阈值的取值范围比较敏感。与 MATLAB 内置 Canny 边缘检测 API 相比,此方法可以提取更多的图片信息,减少失真。

关键词:边缘识别;Canny 算子;阈值优化


中图分类号:TP391.4                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0081-04

Optimization and Implementation of Canny Image Edge Detection Based on MATLAB

LIN Yuke, YANG Min, HE Zhongping, CAO Hua, WANG Jiaqi

(Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering, Chongqing 401331, China)

Abstract: Image edge is the most basic and important feature of the image, and it is a hot spot in image processing at present. Various operators have their own advantages and disadvantages in the aspect of image edge recognition. Thereinto, Canny operator has the advantage that it is not easy to be affected by noise and can detect the real weak edges. By self optimizing the processing procedure and operator of Canny edge detection, it is found that the Canny operator is sensitive to the selection of filtering parameters and the value range of high and low thresholds. Compared with Canny edge detection API built in MATLAB, this method can extract more picture information and reduce distortion.

Keywords: edge recognition; Canny operator; threshold optimization


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