摘 要:信息化时代,新技术突破以及重大集成创新不断涌现,推动医疗行业产生巨大变革。随着医院信息化逐步步入数据化时代,医疗业务系统持续更新迭代,网络接入设备及接入数据剧增,网络性能及可靠性面临新的挑战,文章以深圳市人民医院目前院内网络结构为例,提出了一种基于虚拟化技术的网络架构,并在此架构基础上对医院现有网络及数据中心进行了一体化升级改造,大幅增强了网络的处理能力,提升了网络的可靠性、扩展性和可维护性。
关键词:网络升级;网络架构;双活数据中心;IT 运维
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0090-04
Research and Application on Upgrading of Top Three Hospital Data Center Network
DING Wanfu, ZHENG Xingtong, TANG Xuemin, XIA Yan, LIN Wuxian
(Shenzhen People’s Hospital, Shenzhen 518020, China)
Abstract: In the information age, the continuous emergence of new technological breakthroughs and major integrated innovations has driven the medical industry to take place great reform. With the hospital information stepping gradually into the data era, the medical business system updates and iterates continuously, the number of network access equipments and access information increases sharply, the performance and reliability of the network face new challenges. This paper takes the current network structure of Shenzhen People’s Hospital as an example, puts forward a network structure based on virtualization technology, integrates and upgrades the existing network and data center of the hospital based on this structure. It improves the processing capacity of the network greatly, and enhances the reliability, expansibility and maintainability of the network.
Keywords: network upgrading; network architecture; dual live data center; IT operation maintenance
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