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(江西财经大学 金融学院,江西 南昌 330000)

摘  要:摘 要:2017 年发生的“李文星事件”揭示出互联网时代下网络招聘存在的问题:网络招聘具有信息不真实,存在监管漏洞等问题,容易导致求职者陷入招聘骗局。本文立足于网络招聘的现状,通过社会调查,分析造成网络招聘问题的原因,并在此基础上为完善网络招聘提出有价值的建议,以此促进网络招聘的发展。


中图分类号:G647.37         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)07-0113-03

Problems and Countermeasures of Internet Recruitment forCollege Students in the Internet Era
——Thinking based on the “Li Wenxing Incident
LI Yue,QIU Yudan,HUANG Mengqi
(School of Finance,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330000,China)

Abstract:The“Li Wenxing Incident”that occurred in 2017 revealed the problems in online recruitment under the internet age:Online recruitment has unreal information and there are negative impacts such as regulatory loopholes,which easily leads job seekers intoa recruitment scam. Based on the current situation of online recruitment,this paper analyzes the causes of online recruitment problems through social surveys,and proposes valuable suggestions for improving online recruitment,thereby promoting the development of online recruitment.

Keywords:internet recruitment;information asymmetry;job seekers


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