摘 要:文章对高校信息系统的发展进行研究并对各时期的科技文献进行了分析,根据调研结果和文献分布情况将高校信息系统的发展划分为单机系统阶段、联机系统阶段、数字校园阶段和智慧校园阶段四个阶段。根据各类运维数据和调研情况,对信息系统的变更类型和涉及信息系统组件及人员的变化情况进行了统计和分析,找出了各时期信息系统各要素中的不动点,揭示并分析了信息系统在不同时期维护和变更的规律。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0090-03
Research on Information System Change Based on Fixed Point Theory
FU Xixu, GONG Xizhang
(Institute of Information and Education Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: This paper studies the development of university information system and analyzes the scientific and technological documents in different periods. According to the survey results and the distribution of documents, the development of university information system is divided into four stages: stand-alone system stage, online system stage, digital campus stage and smart campus stage. According to various operation and maintenance data and investi-gation, the change types of information systems and the changes of information system components and personnel involved are counted and analyzed, the fixed points of various elements of information systems in different periods are found, and the rules of maintenance and change of information systems in dif-ferent periods are revealed and analyzed.
Keywords: software engineering; information system; change; fixed point; system management
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