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基于 Python 的 PPG 信号数据分析
(南京体育学院,江苏 南京 210046)

摘  要:医学临床工作中,人体生理参数是重要基础,目前常用 ECG 和 PPG 两种生理信息测量方法,PPG 以非入侵式、无创、测量方便的特点,方便日常生活使用。文章先介绍 PPG 和 PPG 的工作原理及 ECG 和 PPG 的图像区别,再到程序设计中,通过导入数据和计算采样率、处理截取的片段、填空 NAN、PPG 信号滤波、重采样、分析信号、输出度量值、数据可视化等操作后,可以从蕴含多种人体生理信息的复杂 PPG 信号中,获取人体相关参数,用以判断人体的健康状态。



基金项目:江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究课题“基于大数据分析的体育院校学生用户行为模式研究”(2021SJA0392);教育部产学合作协同育人项目(202101224027);江苏高校“青蓝工程”项目(苏教师函〔2022〕2 号)

中图分类号:TP391                                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0096-04

PPG Signal Data Analysis Based on Python


(Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing 210046, China)

Abstract: In the clinical work of medicine, the physiological parameters of the human body are important foundation. At present, ECG and PPG are two commonly used methods for measuring physiological information. PPG is non-invasive and convenient to measure, which is convenient to use in daily life. This paper firstly introduces the PPG and working principle of PPG and the image difference between ECG and PPG. And in the program design, through operation of importing data and calculating the sampling rate, processing the intercepted fragments, filling in the blank NAN, PPG signal filtering, resampling, analyzing signals, outputting metric values and data visualization, the relevant parameters of human body can be obtained from complex PPG signals that contain a variety of human physiological information to judge the health status of the human body.

Keywords: PPG; Python; Heartpy; data analysis


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