摘 要:人体姿态估计作为计算机视觉热门研究领域之一,文章首先分析 2D 人体姿态估计,提出增加深度信息的 3D 人体姿态估计。其次,对当前基于深度学习的 3D 人体姿态估计的研究成果进行阐述,针对单人人体姿态估计和多人人体姿态估计,从单目图像、多目图像两个方向,提出不同模型在估计精度、姿态遮挡等难题方面的解决方案。最后,利用公共数据集对比分析各算法的性能指标并展望其未来发展趋势。
关键词:3D 人体姿态估计;深度学习;关键点估计;估计精度
中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0117-05
Research Review of 3D Human Pose Estimation Based on Deep Learning
HU Jiaqi 1, WANG Chengjun2, YANG Chaoyu2
(1.School of Computer Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science & Technology, Huainan 232001, China; 2.School of Artificial Intelligence, Anhui University of Science & Technology, Huainan 232001, China)
Abstract: Human pose estimation is one of the hot research fields of computer vision. Firstly, this paper analyzes 2D human pose estimation and proposes 3D human pose estimation with depth information. Secondly, the current research results of 3D human pose estimation based on deep learning are described. For single human pose estimation and multiple human pose estimation, from two directions of monocular image and monocular image, the solutions of different models in estimation accuracy, pose occlusion and other difficulties are proposed. Finally, the performance indicators of each algorithm are compared and analyzed using the common data set and its future development trend is prospected.
Keywords: 3D human pose estimation; deep learning; key point estimation; estimation accuracy
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