摘 要:设计和开发煎煮方案推荐信息系统,适配中药复方最合适的煎煮方案。分析经典名方的煎煮信息模型,构建经典名方的信息表、属性集和数据库,整合中药复方煎煮信息推荐算法,采用软件工程方法,设计并开发煎煮方案推荐系统。系统实现中药复方煎煮方案推荐,并完成数据信息无缝接入、检索、批量管理、统计分析、方剂相似度计算等。系统不仅提供了经典名方的检索统计等功能,而且为患者提供了中药复方科学煎煮推荐服务。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0098-05
Research on the Recommendation System of Decoction Scheme of Chinese Herbal Compound Based on Classical Famous Prescription Decoction Method
JIANG Mincai 1, LI Zhibiao1, ZHAO Huayong1, SHUAI Dongqin2, LIU Min3
(1.Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China; 2.Shigang Central Primary School, Nanchang 330106, China; 3.Information Discipline Department of School of Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Jiujiang 332020, China)
Abstract: This paper designs and develops the information system of decoction scheme recommendation, and adapts the most suitable decoction scheme of Chinese herbal compound. By analyzing the decoction information model of the classical famous prescriptions, the information table, attribute set and database of the classical famous prescriptions are constructed, and the decoction information recommendation algorithm of the Chinese herbal compound is integrated. The software engineering method is adopted to design and develop the decoction scheme recommendation system. The system realizes the recommendation of decoction scheme of Chinese herbal compound, and completes the seamless access of data information, retrieval, batch management, statistical analysis, formula similarity calculation and so on. The system not only provides the functions of retrieval and statistics of classical famous prescriptions, but also provides the patients with the service of scientific decoction and recommendation of Chinese herbal compound.
Keywords: decoction information model; decoction scheme recommendation; recommendation system
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