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基于 Python 爬虫技术的高校网络舆情数据分析研究 ——以“安徽审计职业学院百度贴吧”为例
(安徽审计职业学院,安徽 合肥 230601)

摘  要:高校论坛是学生发表意见和相互交流的一个网络平台,也是高校校园舆情的一个重要信息源头。高校百度贴吧是以在校生为主导群体的在线交流平台,贴吧内信息在一定程度上反映了学生的思想动态和舆论导向,文章以“安徽审计职业学院百度贴吧”为例,分析 Python 网络爬虫技术的实现原理,爬取贴吧内的文本数据,利用分词、词频统计、词云图制作等技术进行数据分析,提出舆情结论和研究展望,为校园相关部门舆情引导提供帮助和新的思路。



基金项目:安徽审计职业学院 2020 年度院级自然重点科研项目(SJKJ2020A001)

中图分类号:TP391                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0106-04

Analysis and Research of University Network Public Opinion Data Based on Python Crawler Technology—Taking“Baidu Post Bar of Anhui Audit College”as an Example


(Anhui Audit College, Hefei 230601, China)

Abstract: University forum is a network platform for students to express their opinions and communicate with each other, which is also an important information source on campus public opinion. Baidu Post Bar in colleges and universities is an online communication platform dominated by internal students. The information in the post bar reflects the ideological dynamics and public opinion orientation of students to a certain extent. This paper takes “Baidu Post Bar in Anhui Audit College” as an example, analyzes the implementation principle of Python Web crawler technology, and climbs the text data in the post bar. It uses word segmentation, word frequency statistics, word cloud image production and other technologies to analyze the data, puts forward public opinion conclusions and research prospects, and provides help and new ideas for the guidance of public opinion of relevant departments on campus.

Keywords: Web crawler; Python; public opinion


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