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基于 Jpcap 的网络流量监控报警系统设计
(贵州商学院,贵州 贵阳 550014)

摘  要:针对互联网出口流量过高而导致网页访问速度缓慢的问题,设计一种网络流量监控报警系统,采用 Jpcap 技术在后台对流量数据进行捕获,再对数据包进行分析统计,将结果存入后台数据库,以便系统前台调用。在每分钟的流量数据超过设定的阈值时,系统将弹出报警窗口,便于用户对异常流量数据进行处理。对流量数据进行实时监控,可使网络和业务系统能够更好地运行。



基金项目:贵州商学院 2022 年度校级教改项目(2022XJJG09)

中图分类号:TP393;TP311                            文献标识码:A                        文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0050-04

Design of Network Traffic Monitoring and Alarm System Based on Jpcap

LI Yang

(Guizhou University of Commerce, Guiyang 550014, China)

Abstract: In view of the problem of slow webpage access caused by high internet export traffic, a network traffic monitoring and alarm system is designed. Jpcap technology is used to capture the traffic data in the background, and then the data packets are analyzed and counted, and the results are stored in the background database for system foreground's invocation. When the traffic data per minute exceeds the set threshold, the system will pop up an alarm window to facilitate the user to process the abnormal traffic data. Real-time monitoring of traffic data can make the network and business system run better.

Keywords: network traffic monitoring; traffic alarm; Jpcap; data statistics; real-time monitoring


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