摘 要:室内人员定位对于校园公共安全至关重要。文章根据室内无线接入点的关联性,提出一种基于粒子群优化算法(PSO)和 Elman 神经网络的算法。采用接入点(AP)和未知节点的质心信息与跳数信息作为 Elman 神经网络的输入值,通过 Elman神经网络进行训练,最终得到未知节点的预测位置。仿真结果表明,该算法的定位误差明显小于传统的 TOA、AOA、RSSI 等定位方法,定位精度得以大幅提升。
关键词:人员定位;粒子群优化算法;Elman 神经网络;WSN
中图分类号:TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0057-04
Research on the Indoor Positioning Technology for Campus Personnel Based on PSO-Elman Algorithm
(Xuzhou Economic and Trade Branch of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute, Xuzhou 221004, China)
Abstract: Indoor personnel positioning is crucial to campus public safety. According to the relevance of indoor wireless access points, this paper proposes an algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Elman neural network. The centroid information and hop number information of the Access Point (AP) and the unknown node are used as the input values of the Elman neural network. The training is carried out by Elman neural network to obtain the predicted position of the unknown node finally. The simulation results show that the positioning error of this algorithm is significantly smaller than that of traditional TOA, AOA, RSSI and other positioning methods, and the positioning accuracy is greatly improved.
Keywords: personnel positioning; Particle Swarm Optimization; ELman neural network; WSN
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