摘 要:彩色眼底图像的视网膜血管分析可以帮助医生诊断许多眼科和全身性疾病,具有十分重要的临床意义。为进一步提高视网膜血管的分割效果,文章提出一个基于注意力 U-Net 网络的视网膜血管分割方法,该方法使用 U-Net 结合通道注意力机制以提高分割准确率,在公开数据集 DRIVE 的灵敏度、特异性和准确率分别为 0.772 6,0.984 7 和 0.966 0,优于现有的许多方法。
基金项目:淮安市创新服务能力建设计划 -重点实验室建设项目(HAP201904)
中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0065-04
Segmentation of Retinal Vascular in Color Fundus Images Based on Attention U-Net Network
ZHENG Liping, ZHANG Tianshu, CAO Keyin
(Jiangsu Vocational College of Electronics and Information, Huaian 223001, China)
Abstract: Retinal vascular analysis of color fundus images can help doctors diagnose many ophthalmic and systemic diseases, which is of great clinical significance. To further improve the segmentation effect of retinal vascular, this paper proposes a retinal vascular segmentation method based on attention U-Net network, which uses U-Net and channel attention mechanism to improve segmentation accuracy, The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of DRIVE in the open dataset are 0.772 6, 0.984 7 and 0.966 0 respectively, which are superior to many existing methods.
Keywords: attention; U-Net; vascular segmentation
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