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(西安工程大学 电子信息学院,陕西 西安 710048)

摘  要:文章基于多个边缘计算设备,构建轻量高效的行人检测算法。首先,基于原始 YOLOv5 模型,替换为MobileNetv3 作为特征提取网络,减少算法参数量和计算量;其次采用 ReLu6 激活函数,加速网络收敛,减少模型复杂度;最后利用 K-means 聚类算法仅选取 3 个先验框分别匹配到 3 个不同尺度检测头中。实验结果表明:改进后的模型参数量和计算量于仅为原始模型的 51.6% 和 39.8%,在 Jetson AGX Xavier 设备上采用 TensorRT 进行推理达到了 66 FPS 的实时速度,在RK3399 设备上达到了 2.1 FPS。

关键词:边缘计算;行人检测;YOLOv5 算法


中图分类号:TP391.4                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0081-04

Research on Pedestrian Detection Algorithm Based on Edge Computing

ZHANG Chao, WANG Liang

(School of Electronics and Information, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048, China)

Abstract: This paper constructed a lightweight and effective pedestrian detection algorithm based on multiple Edge Computing devices. Firstly, based on the original YOLOv5 model, MobileNetv3 is replaced as the feature extraction network to reduce the number of algorithm parameters and computation. Secondly, ReLu6 activation function is used to accelerate network convergence and reduce model complexity. Finally, K-means clustering algorithm is used to select only three prior frames and match them to three detection heads of different scales. Experimental results show that the number of parameters and computation of the improved model are only 51.6% and 39.8% of that of the original model, and the real-time speed of 66 FPS is achieved on Jetson AGX Xavier and 2.1 FPS on RK3399.

Keywords: Edge Computing; pedestrian detection; YOLOv5 algorithm


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