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吴仕良 1 ,林业茂 1 ,张雪峰 1 ,黄拨 2 ,刘莉莉 1
(1. 中国人民解放军 75841 部队,海南 海口 570100;2. 三亚中科遥感研究所,海南 三亚 572022)

摘  要:针对我国沿海地区,船舶搁浅可能损坏海底电缆的问题。设计一种基于雷达网和 AIS 数据的轨迹预测模型。该模型通过采集船舶的经纬度,航速航向等信息,预测五分钟内的船舶位置。使用 LSTM 神经网络对船舶五分钟内的轨迹进行预测,准确预测船舶轨迹可以及时发出预警信息,降低船舶触缆的风险。5 分钟内船舶轨迹点平均距离误差约为 124 米,5 分钟时刻,船舶坐标点平均距离误差约为 185 米。



中图分类号:TP391                                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0082-05

Prediction Model of Ship Grounding in Submarine Cable Protection Area Based on LSTM Neural Network

WU Shiliang1, LIN Yemao1, ZHANG Xuefeng1, HUANG Bo2, LIU Lili 1

(1.75841 Unit of the PLA, Haikou 570100, China; 2.Sanya Zhongke Remote Sensing Research Institute, Sanya 572022, China)

Abstract: In view of the problem of coastal areas in our country, the ship grounding may damage the submarine cables. This paper designs a trajectory prediction model based on radar net and AIS data. The model can predict the ship's position in real time within five minutes by collecting information such as the ship's latitude and longitude, speed and course. It uses the LSTM neural network to predict the trajectory of the ship within five minutes, and the accurate prediction of the ship trajectory can send out early warning information in time and reduce the risk of the ship touching the cables. The average distance error of ship trajectory point within 5 minutes is about 124 meters, and the average distance error of the ship coordinate point at the time of 5 minutes is about 185 meters.

Keywords: ship grounding; trajectory prediction; LSTM 


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作者简介:吴仕良(1988—),男,汉族,广西平南人,助理工程师,本科,主要研究方向 : 光纤通信;林业茂(1986—),男,汉族,海南万宁人,助理工程师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:光纤通信;张雪峰(1983—),男,汉族,湖南衡阳人,工程师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:通信工程;黄拨(1985—),男,汉族,湖南长沙人,助理研究员,硕士研究生,主要研究方向 : 遥感技术;刘莉莉(1988—),女,汉族,福建泉州人,本科,助理工程师,主要研究方向:光纤通信。