摘 要:现阶段,人们足不出户就可以获取来自全球各地的所有信息,这些信息的来源主要是网络上的数字化资源。保证这些资源的版权和真伪一直是研究的热点。数字水印技术是进行版权保护最好的办法,本文阐述了数字水印的四类典型算法,介绍了数字水印攻击的类型,最后提出了评测数字水印系统优劣的指标。
中图分类号:TP309 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0087-03
A Brief Discussion on Digital Watermarking Algorithm and Performance Evaluation
(Hunan Automotive Engineering Vocational College,Zhuzhou 412001,China)
Abstract:At this stage,people can get all the information from all over the world without leaving home,and the source of theseinformation is mainly based on the digital resources on the network. To guarantee the copyright and authenticity of these resources hasalways been the focus of research. The digital watermarking technology is undoubtedly the best way to solve this problem. This paperintroduces the four types typical algorithms of digital watermarking and the type of the attack. Finally,it puts forward the index ofevaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the digital watermarking algorithm.
Keywords:digital watermarking;typical algorithm;copyright protection
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