摘 要:本文阐述了人工智能的定义、发展阶段、部分应用状况及其影响,面对人工智能发展的巨大浪潮,职业教育应主动变革,要从国家政策、理念与制度、教学管理、产教融合、终身学习等方面做好应对,切实地把握人文教育之道对智能教育之用的统领原则,培养能很好地掌控人工智能技术和应用的人才。
中图分类号:G712;TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0092-03
Strategies for Vocational Education in Artificial Intelligence Era
YI Xingdong,HUANG Lei,MO Weijuan
(Vocational and Technological School of Guangdong Environmental Protection,Guangzhou 510655,China)
Abstract:The paper describes the concept,development stage,part of the application status and its impact of artificialintelligence. Faced with the huge wave of artificial intelligence development,vocational education should take the initiative to change,and it needs to deal with national policies,ideas and systems,teaching management,integration of industry and education,lifelong learning and other aspects. Truly grasp the principle of humanistic education in guiding the use of intelligent education,and train talents who can well control artificial intelligence technology and applications.
Keywords:artificial intelligence;humane education;vocational education
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