摘 要:本文利用数值解法算出一维定态谐振子的前九个能级的波函数,并给出一个大学阶段容易理解的MATLAB 指令。其结果与常用的理论法结果相比较,得出了一致的结论。
中图分类号:O413.1;TP311.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0100-02
Numerical Solution of One-dimensional Stationary Harmonic Oscillator andMATLAB Instruction
GUO Jialin
(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,Hangzhou 310000,China)
Abstract:The wave functions of the first nine energy levels of one-dimensional stationary harmonic oscillator are calculated by numerical method,and a MATLAB instruction which is easy to understand in the university stage is given. The result is consistent with the commonly used theoretical results,and draws a consistent conclusion.
Keywords:harmonic oscillator;stationary state;cumerical solution
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