摘 要:随着社会的飞速发展和经济水平的日益提高,人们对电力资源的使用需求量也在逐步增加。电力工程施工安全与电力系统的正常稳定运行有直接关系,提高电力施工的安全水平和管理效率一直都是电力领域研究和探索的热门话题。电力施工安全涉及方方面面的内容,其中施工人员的着装规范是十分重要的一部分,然而由于施工环境的复杂性,监管人员对施工人员着装的监督往往存在着一定的困难,很难实现实时有效的监督。近年来,人工智能、深度学习技术成为科学领域研究的热门话题,本项目试图基于人工智能技术和Tensorflow 深度学习框架,对施工人员着装进行识别,并最终实现智能化管理系统,为打造运行稳定、安全的综合电网奠定良好的基础。
中图分类号:TP183 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0073-04
Research on Intelligent Identification Technology for Constructor Dressing inElectric Power System Based on Tensorflow
LI Wenhui
(Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Jiangmen Power Supply Bureau,Jiangmen 529030,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of society and the improvement of economic level,the demand for power resources is gradually increasing. There is a direct relationship between the safety of power engineering construction and the normal and stable operation of power system. Improving the safety level and management efficiency of electric power construction has always been a hot topic in the field of electric power research and exploration. The safety of electric power construction involves all aspects of the construction personnel,which is a very important part of the construction personnel’s dress code. However,because of the complexity of the construction environment,the supervisors often have some difficulties in the supervision of the builders’ dress,which is difficult to achieve in real time and effective supervision. In recent years,artificial intelligence and deep learning technology have become a hot topic in the field of science. Based on artificial intelligence technology and Tensorflow deep learning framework,this project identifies the construction personnel’s dress,and finally realizes the intelligent management system,laying a good foundation for building a stable and safe integrated power grid.
Keywords:power construction safety;dress identification;deep learning;convolution neural network
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