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(江西省统计局,江西 南昌 330036)

摘  要:现如今,虚拟化技术因其具有的节约运维成本的优势而越来越受到关注。通过虚拟化技术可以将各种配置、型号不同的物理服务器进行资源整合,形成一个基于物理服务器的资源池,从而极大地提高物理服务器的资源利用率,有效降低运维成本。目前国内大力提倡发展使用国产化软件,华为虚拟化平台作为国内顶尖的虚拟化技术供应商,已经在很多领域中得到了应用。本文立足于江西统计业工作实际,通过梳理统计业务对虚拟化技术的需求,提出了一些意见和建议,以期更好地服务于统计工作。


中图分类号:TP391.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0090-02

Application of HUAWEI Virtualization Technology in Statistical Business System
DENG Shuai
(Statistic Bureau of Jiangxi,Nanchang 330036,China)

Abstract:Now virtualization technology has attracted more and more attention because of its advantages in saving operation and maintenance costs. Through the virtualization technology,various configuration and different physical servers can be integrated to form a resource pool based on the physical server,which greatly improves the resource utilization of the physical server and effectively reduces the operation and maintenance costs. At present,domestic software is advocated vigorously in China. HUAWEI virtualization platform as the top virtual technology supplier in China has been applied in many environments. This article is based on the reality of statistical work in Jiangxi,and it has put forward some opinions and suggestions to better serve statistical work by sorting out the statistical business requirements for virtualization technology.

Keywords:virtualization;HUAWEI;statistical business


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[2] 刘刚. 服务器虚拟化技术 [J]. 硅谷,2012,5(15):37+13.

作者简介:邓帅(1983-),男,汉族,江西南昌人,工程师,学士学位,研究方向:oracle 数据库。