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基于MyRIO 嵌入式平台的双目立体视觉 开发及应用
(国网湖北省电力有限公司检修公司,湖北 宜昌 443000)

摘  要:人类对于三维世界的感知,主要是通过双眼从外界环境中获取视觉成像,然后通过视网膜,把视觉信号传递到大脑,再由大脑根据固有的经验和知识,对信号进行识别处理,最终形成三维的感知。而机器视觉就是利用各种软硬件模拟这一过程,包括摄像机标定、图像获取、特征提取、图像校正、立体匹配、三维重构以及目标定位。文章主要研究内容是基于MyRIO 嵌入式平台的双目立体视觉开发问题及应用。具体内容为:对MyRIO 嵌入式平台以及开发环境进行了说明,讨论了目前国内外立体视觉的主流实现方法、以及对MyRIO 嵌入式平台进行了有效的改进,最后展示了一例关于立体视觉在MyRIO 嵌入式平台的具体应用。

关键词:机器视觉;双目立体视觉;三维感知;MyRIO 嵌入式开发平台

中图分类号:TP391.41        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0073-03

Development and Application of Binocular Stereo Vision Base on MyRIO Embedded System


(State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Maintenance Company,Yichang 443000,China)

Abstract:Human perception of the three-dimensional world mainly through the eyes from the external environment to obtainvisual imaging,and then through the retina,the visual signal is transmitted to the brain,and then according to the inherent experienceand knowledge,the brain recognizes and processes the signal,and finally forms the three-dimensional perception. Machine vision is tosimulate this process with various software and hardware,including camera calibration,image acquisition,feature extraction,imagecorrection,stereo matching,three-dimensional reconstruction and target location.The main content of this paper is the development andapplication of binocular stereo vision based on MyRIO embedded platform. Specific contents are as follows:MyRIO embedded platformand development environment are described,the mainstream implementation methods of stereo vision at home and abroad are discussed,and effective improvements are made for MyRIO embedded platform. Finally,an example of the application of stereo vision in MyRIOembedded platform is presented.

Keyword:machine vision;binocular stereo vision;3D perception;MyRIO embedded development platform


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作者简介:周凡(1995.02-),男,湖北宜昌人,中级职称, 硕士,研究方向:电力系统。