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基于能力培养的“图像处理技术”课程 教学方法研究
(中山市中等专业学校,广东 中山 528458)

摘  要:现阶段,在经济发展形势的趋动下,社会对高素质人才的需求不断增加,为了确保学生可以在竞争激励的社会中保持竞争优势,学校需改进教学方法,创新教学理念,从多个方面来培养学生的综合能力,从而使其得到全面发展。图像处理技术作为一种应用性较强、应用范围较广的图形制作和处理技术,在课程教学中处于关键地位,因此,本文主要从能力培养的视角,研究了“图像处理技术”课程的教学方法,希望有助于该门课程的有效开展,并促进学生学习能力的提高。


中图分类号:TP317.4-4        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0066-03

Research on Teaching Methods of “Image Processing Technology”underAbility Training

XU Huiming

(Zhongshan Technical Secondary School,Zhongshan 528458,China)

Abstract:At the present stage,with the trend of economic development,the demand for high-quality talents has gradually increased. In order to ensure that students maintain competitive advantage in a competitive society,it is necessary to improve teaching methods, innovate teaching concepts,and cultivate students’comprehensive ability from many aspects,so as to promote their better development. Image processing technology,as a graphics manufacturing and processing technology with wide application,plays a very important role in the course teaching. Therefore,this paper mainly studies the teaching methods of image processing technology from the perspective of ability cultivation,hoping to help the effective development of the course and promote students to master the comprehensive learning ability.

Keywords:ability training;image processing technology;course teaching methods


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作者简介:徐慧明(1980.09-),女,汉族,广东中山人, 中级职称,毕业于暨南大学,本科,研究方向:计算机应用与技术。