
​O2O 教学模式下信息类课程教学效果评价研究
富爽¹ ,杜红² ,刘英楠 ¹ ,韩晶 ¹,汪东欣 ¹
(1. 黑龙江八一农垦大学 电气与信息学院,黑龙江 大庆 163319;2. 重庆理工大学 电气与电子工程学院,重庆 400054)

摘  要:针对目前信息类课程 O2O 教学模式中教学评价的不足,首先对 O2O 教学模式进行简述,然后分析目前 O2O 教学模式教学评价存在的问题,阐述了 O2O 教学模式评价体系的构建,最后,阐述了信息类课程中 O2O 教学模式教学效果评价体系的实施,提出一种成绩量化评价和评语评价结合的评价方式,不仅能够体现学生学习的效果,更能对学生进行激励,对学生今后的学习和发展起到促进作用。

关键词:O2O 教学模式;教学评价;过程性评价;信息类课程

中图分类号:G434;G712         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0184-03

Research on the Evaluation of Teaching Effect in the Information Curriculum Based on O2O Teaching Model

FU Shuang1,DU Hong2,LIU Yingnan1,HAN Jing1,WANG Dongxin1

(1.College of Electrical and Information,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing 163319,China; 2.School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Chongqing University of Technology,Chongqing 400054,China)

Abstract:To solve the problem of the present teaching evaluation based on O2O teaching model in information curriculum,firstly we briefly introduce O2O teaching model. Then,we analyse the current problems existing in the teaching evaluation based on O2O teaching model and expound the construction of evaluation system in O2O teaching model. Finally,we expound the implementation of the evaluation system of teaching effect in information curriculum based on O2O teaching model and propose a evaluation method which combines with quantitative evaluation and comment. This model can not only reflect the effect of students’learning and improve the motivation of the students,but also promote students’learning and development in the future.

Keywords:O2O teaching model;teaching evaluation;process evaluation;information curriculum

基金项目:黑龙江省教育科学规划 2017 年度青年专项课题(GBD1317067);重庆理工大学高等教育研究项目(2019YB09)


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