
“互联网 +”背景下提升师范生信息技术素养的混合式教学模式研究
(河源职业技术学院 电子与信息工程学院,广东 河源 517000)

摘  要:“互联网 +”时代信息技术的蓬勃发展对师范生的信息技术素养提出了更高的要求。基于对高职师范生信息技术素养的调查和分析,结合新时代要求,重构“现代教育技术”课程的内容,将混合教学模式融入“现代教育技术”课程教学之中,课堂上应用“创情境”“探新知”“练技能”“展成果”“评任务”五步教学法,培养学生的信息化教育意识,增强学生的信息技术应用能力,提升师范生的信息技术素养。



课题项目:全国高等院校计算机基础教育研 究会课题:“互联网 +”背景下提升高职师范生信 息技术素养的混合式教学模式研究(2020-AFCEE C-206)

中图分类号:G434                                     文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)07-0189-04

Research on the Blended Learning Mode for Promoting the Information Technology Literacy of Normal Students under the Background of “Internet Plus”

GONG Yunfei

(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Heyuan Polytechnic,Heyuan 517000,China)

Abstract:The vigorous development of information technology in the “internet plus” era has put forward the higher requirements for the information technology literacy of normal students. Based on the investigation and analysis of higher vocational normal students’information technology literacy,combining the requirement of the new era to reconstruct the content of “Modern Education Technology” course,integrating the blended learning mode into the “Modern Education Technology” course teaching,and adopt five step teaching methods of “creating situation”“exploring new knowledge”“practicing skills”“showing achievement”“reviewing task” in class,so as to cultivate students’awareness of informatization education,enhance students’application ability of information technology,and improve the information technology literacy of normal students.

Keywords:information technology literacy;blended learning;teaching mode


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作者简介:巩云飞(1982—),女,汉族,山东淄博人,高级 工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:现代教育技术。