
高职“引领式 SPOC”混合教学模式研究
(山东外事职业大学 综合学院,山东 威海 264504)

摘  要:疫情期间 MOOC 课程得到了广泛的推广应用,但学生的多样性给教学管理和监控带来诸多难题,无法达到预期的教学目标。SPOC 小班限制性课程虽然便于教学管理,但是师生之间缺乏及时的沟通和交流,教学效果依然没有得到明显的改观。鉴于此,引领式 SPOC 混合教学把教学分为课前、课中和课后三个阶段,通过课前和课后的学生作业、反馈和交流,及时了解学生的学习情况,适时调整教学内容,使教学活动有的放矢,调动了学生的学习积极性,提高了教学质量。



基金项目:2020 年度山东省重点研发计划 (软科学项目)(2020RKB01358)

中图分类号:TP391;G434                               文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0183-05

Research on “Leading SPOC” Blended Teaching Model in Higher Vocational Education

TANG Chunhua

(Comprehensive College,Shandong Vocational University of Foreign Affairs,Weihai 264504,China)

Abstract:During the epidemic period,MOOC course has been widely popularized and applied,but the diversity of students has brought many problems to teaching management and monitoring,which can not achieve the expected teaching objectives. Although SPOC small class restricted courses are convenient for teaching management,if there is a lack of timely communication and exchange between teachers and students,the learning effect is still not greatly improved. On this basis,the leading SPOC blended teaching mode divides teaching into three stages:before class,during class and after class. Through students’homework,feedback and communication before and after class,we can timely understand students’learning situation,timely adjust teaching content,make teaching targeted,mobilize students’enthusiasm for autonomous learning and improve teaching effect.

Keywords:MOOC;SPOC;leading;blended teaching model


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作者简介:汤春华(1972—),女,汉族,山东济宁人,教授, 硕士,研究方向:计算机应用技术和职业教育。