摘 要:“高频电子线路”课程是电子信息工程专业学生的一门专业必修课,具有难学、难教的特点。文章在总结多年教学实践经验的基础上,从培养学生工程化实践能力入手,采用虚实结合的方法,构建基于 Multisim 和 LabVIEW 的仿真实验,制定工程化教学模式。结合工程实例,采用专业仿真软件辅助教学,改进教学方法,提高了教学质量,降低了课程学习难度,加强了对学生工程实践能力的培养。
关键词:工程化;Multisim 和 LabVIEW;实践能力
基金项目:安徽省教育厅一般教学研究项目(2017jyxm0552,2019jyxm0477); 教育部协同育人项目(202102371035);大学生创新创业训练项目(S202011305014)
中图分类号:TP391.9;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)06-0183-04
Reform and Practice of Experimental Teaching of “High Frequency Electronic Circuit” Course Based on Multisim and LabVIEW
LI Yuqing, TIAN Juan
(School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Bengbu University, Bengbu 233030, China)
Abstract: “High-frequency Electronic Circuit” course is a compulsory course for students majoring in electronic information engineering, which is difficult to learn and teach. On the basis of summarizing many years of practical teaching experience, this paper starts from cultivating students’ engineering practice ability, adopts the method of combining virtual with real, constructs simulation experiment based on Multisim and LabVIEW, and formulates the engineering teaching mode. Combined with engineering examples, professional simulation software is used to assist teaching, improve teaching methods, improve teaching quality, reduce the difficulty of course learning, and strengthen the cultivation of students’ engineering practice ability.
Keywords: engineering; Multisim and LabVIEW; practice ability
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