摘 要:使用可视化软件分析新媒体研究的文献,用 CiteSpace 分析结果展示新媒体的研究分布。对 WOS 数据库中新媒体领域的文献进行了研究,采用了文献计量工具和知识图谱工具来进行可视化分析,分析了新媒体研究的知识基础、研究前沿和发展趋势,研究表明,美国、英国和中国等在新媒体研究方面发挥着关键作用,拥有核心作者和核心机构,移动互联网、可穿戴技术、移动电子商务等可能成为新媒体研究趋势。
基金项目:2015 年度南京艺术学院校级项目(XJ2015035)
中图分类号:TP391;G206 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0169-07
Research and Analysis of Hot Spots and Trends in Subject Services Based on CiteSpace—Take the Field of New Media as an Example
(Library of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing 210013, China)
Abstract: This paper analyzes the literature which the field of new media is studying by using visual software, and displays the research distribution of new media with the CiteSpace analysis results. It studies the literature of the field of new media in the WOS database, uses literature measurement tools and knowledge map tools for visual analysis, and analyzes the knowledge base, research frontier and development trend of new media research. The research shows that the United States, Britain, China and so on play key roles in new media research aspect. With core authors and core institutions, mobile internet, wearable technology, mobile e-commerce and so on may become the research trend of new media.
Keywords: subject service; new media; knowledge graph; co-citation; research frontier; research topic;
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