摘 要:应力状态是材料力学的重点内容,更是一个学生不易理解的难点内容。应力圆是理解和掌握应力状态的一个重要手段。编制绘制应力圆的专用程序,将有利于节约绘图时间并提高课堂授课效果。文章详细介绍了如何利用 HTML5 Canvas 制作交互式应力圆绘制网页程序,加深学生对利用 Canvas 绘制图形的理解,使概念抽象的应力状态知识形象化,便于学生理解和掌握相关知识,进一步增强学生对材料力学课程的兴趣和信心。
关键词:材料力学;应力状态;应力圆;HTML5 Canvas;编程
课题项目:河南省教育科学“十三五”规划 2020 年度一般课题(2020YB0079)
中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0180-03
Application Research on the HTML5 Canvas in Stress State Teaching
CHEN Junqi, ZHANG Peng, XIAN Qingjun, ZHU Xiaowei
(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
Abstract: Stress state is the key content in the mechanics of materials, and it is a difficult content that students are not easy to understand. Stress circle is an important tool for understanding and mastering stress state. A particular program for making and drawing stress circles will help to save drawing time and improve teaching effect in classroom. This paper introduces how to use the HTML5 Canvas to make the interactive stress circle and draw the web program in detail, deepens students’ understanding of drawing graphics by using Canvas. It visualizes the abstract concept knowledge of stress state, which is convenient for students to understand and master the related knowledge, and further enhances students’ interest and confidence in the mechanics of materials course.
Keywords: mechanics of materials; stress state; stress circle; HTML5 Canvas; programming
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