
基于对比分析法的高职“MySQL 数据库”课程设计 ——以兰州石化职业技术大学为例
(兰州石化职业技术大学,甘肃 兰州 730060)

摘  要:文章以兰州石化职业技术大学信息技术类专业为例,从高职生源录取分数走势、生源结构构成、学生文化基础和学习习惯等方面展开分析,结合“MySQL 数据库”课程知识结构和岗位职业技能需求,利用对比分析法,将“MySQL 数据库”课程的主要知识点和技能点与Excel的基本操作进行映射对照,深化课程改革,优化教学设计,帮助学生深入理解和掌握课程内容,并在 2020 级、2021 级两届学生中进行教学实施和效果检验。



基金项目:甘肃省教育厅 2021 年度高校大学生就业创业能力提升工程项目(甘教学〔2021〕3 号)

中图分类号:TP311;G434                              文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0188-04

Design of“MySQL Database”Course in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on Comparative Analysis—Take Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Vocational Technology as an Exapmle

ZHANG Lijing, ZHANG Wenchuan

(Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China)

Abstract: Taking the information technology major of Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Vocational Technology as an example, this paper analyzes the admission score trend of higher vocational students, the composition of students' source, students' cultural foundation and learning habits, combined with the “MySQL database” course knowledge structure and the post vocational skill needs, and uses the comparative analysis method to map and compare the main knowledge points and skill points of “MySQL database” course with the basic operations of Excel, deepen the course reform, optimize the teaching design, help students deeply understand and master the course content, and carry out teaching implementation and effect test among the students of grade 2020 and 2021.

Keywords: comparative analysis method; MySQL; course design


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