摘 要:“电力电子技术”是电气类专业的一门重要的专业基础课程,但是在教学中学生普遍存在着学习目标不明确、学时短造成的知识掌握欠缺以及理论和实践脱离的三个主要问题。文章利用线上线下混合式教学的手段,以解决问题为目标导向,然后通过以项目式教学为基础,采用翻转课堂教学的形式,完成课程的教学,并通过分层次项目式评价的方式对教学效果进行课程教学评价。经过实际的课堂验证,最终教学效果相较于传统教学方式取得了显著的成效。
基金项目:2021 年贵州省高等学校教学内容和课程体系改革项目(黔教函〔2021〕113号 -2021355);2020 年第二批产学合作协同育人项目(教高司函〔2021〕3号-202002144017)
中图分类号:TP39;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0195-04
Teaching Practice and Research of “Power Electronics Technology” Based on Online and Offline Blending Learning
YAN Genglong
(Department of Wine Engineering Automation, Moutai Institute, Zunyi 564507, China)
Abstract: “Power Electronics Technology” is an important professional basic course for electrical majors. However, there are three major problems in teaching for students of unclear learning objectives, lack of knowledge due to short class hours, and separation between theory and practice. This paper uses the online and offline blending learning method to solve problems as the goal orientation, and then completes the teaching of the course by using the form of flipped classroom teaching based on the project teaching, and evaluates the course teaching effect through the hierarchical project evaluation. Through the actual classroom verification, the final teaching effect has achieved remarkable results compared with the traditional teaching methods.
Keywords: project teaching; flipped classroom; goal oriented; online and offline blending learning
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