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摘  要:经历60载沉浮之后,在2016年人工智能最终以Alphago赢得与李世石的人机世纪对决的这一方式重回焦点。而伴随着云计算、大数据、人工神经网络以及深度学习等新技术的发展,人工智能2016年的狂飙突进也成功将这一年命名为“人工智能元年”,在人类发展的历程上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。在日常生活中,机器翻译、无人驾驶汽车、人脸精准识别等人工智能应用已不是只有在科幻作品中才能出现的场景,而是已经开始慢慢渗透进入衣食住行的方方面面。与此同时,在以新技术的研发与应用为核心推动力的新一轮产业革命浪潮中,人工智能也扮演着不可忽视的一股力量。尤其是作为传统能源行业的核心技术领域,油气的勘探、开发以及生产都受到了人工智能技术的影响。通过引入人工智能,可以解决在油气的勘探开发以及生产领域遇到的各种非线性问题,提升企业判断精准性及决策科学性。[1]本文通过研究分析目前人工智能在油气行业的勘探开发以及生产阶段的应用,总结人工智能对油气行业发展的积极意义,以期为业界提供参考。




Applicationof Artificial Intelligence in Oil and Gas Industry


Abstract: After 60 years of ups and downs, in 2016, artificial intelligence finallywon the battle with Li Shishi's Alphago machine, thisway back to focus.With the development of new technology of cloud computing, big data, artificial neural network, deep learning and artificial intelligence in 2016 hurricane alsosuccessfully will be this year named "artificial intelligence era", in the process of human development takes an important part.Indaily life, Machine Translation, driverless cars, face recognition precisionapplication of artificial intelligence has not only in science fiction to thescene, but has begun to penetrate into all aspects ofbasic necessities of life.At the same time, in the newwave of industrial revolution with the core of R & D and application of newtechnology, artificial intelligence is also a forcethat can not be ignored. Especially, as the coretechnology field of traditional energy industry, theexploration, development and production of oil and gashave been affected by artificial intelligence technology. By introducing artificial intelligence, we can solve various nonlinear problems encountered in theexploration, development and production of oil and gas, so as to improve the accuracy of enterprise judgment and thescientific decision. Through the research and analysis of the application ofartificial intelligence in the exploration, developmentand production phase of the oil and gas industry, thispaper summarizes the positive significance of artificial intelligence to thedevelopment of the oil and gas industry, in order toprovide reference for the industry.

Keywords:artificial intelligence;AI;data;datastandardization; China CNOOC


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[2] Wikipedia, Artificial Intelligence[DB/OL],https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence#cite_note-AI_funding_in_the_60s-23

[3] 顾凡及.人工智能的第三个春天 [J].科学,2016(03).

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