摘 要:为实现对港珠澳大桥的高水平营运管理,建设便于港、珠、澳三地管理部门直接沟通的电话系统非常必要。本文采用IP 软交换作为语音交换核心, 传统模拟话机作为三地用户终端, 对重要话务自动录音并按需查询的方案,搭建了“一国两制”条件下港珠澳大桥三地管理部门之间的直线电话系统,为日常及紧急情况下的沟通协调提供了直接、简便、经济的语音通信平台,提升了沟通效率。
关键词:IP 软交换;港珠澳大桥;三地;直线电话系统
中图分类号:TN916.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0060-03
Design and Implementation of Three-Line Linear Telephone System of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Based on IP Softswitch
LIU Shifu
(Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Administration Traffic Engineering Department,Zhuhai 519060,China)
Abstract:In order to realize the high-level operation management of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge,it is necessary to construct a telephone system that facilitates direct communication between the management departments of Hong Kong,Zhuhai and Macao. This paper adopts IP softswitch as the core of voice exchange,traditional analog phone as the user terminal of three places,automatic recording of important traffic and on-demand inquiry,and builds the management department of Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge under the conditions of “one country,two systems”. The linear telephone system provides a direct, simple and economical voice communication platform for daily and emergency communication and coordination,which improves communication efficiency.
Keywords:IP softswitch;Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge;three places;linear telephone system
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作者简介:柳世福(1974.11-),男,汉族,广西人,毕业 于南京大学物理系,理学学士,工程师,主要研究方向:有线、无 线及计算机网络。