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(中国电子科技集团公司第七研究所,广东 广州 510310)

摘  要:卫星通信技术是一种新型的技术形式,在各个相关领域得到了广泛的应用,包括通讯、探测、定位导航等领域。卫星通信技术具有频带宽、容量大、业务种类多、覆盖面积大、不受地理条件限制等诸多优势,但其优势的彰显还需要借助卫星通信的抗干扰技术,并以此保障卫星通信质量。本文在研究卫星通信的抗干扰技术时,主要介绍了卫星通信的抗干扰类别、常见的卫星通信抗干扰技术等,并最终对卫星通信抗干扰技术的发展前景进行了分析。


中图分类号:TP311        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0067-02

Research on Anti-jamming Technology of Satellite Communication

DENG Weixin

(The 7th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Guangzhou 510310,China)

Abstract:Satellite communication technology is a new type of technology,which has been widely used in various related fields, including communication,detection,positioning and navigation. Satellite communication technology has many advantages such as frequency bandwidth,large capacity,multiple types of services,large coverage area,and no geographical restrictions. However,its advantages also need to rely on the anti-jamming technology of satellite communication to ensure the quality of satellite communication. In the study of anti-jamming technology of satellite communication,this paper mainly introduces the anti-interference category of satellite communication,common anti-interference technology of satellite communication,etc.,and finally,the development prospect of antijamming technology in satellite communication is analyzed.

Keywords:satellite communication;anti-jamming technology;development of communication technology


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作者简介:邓维信(1989.11-),男,汉族,广东梅州人,本科, 助理工程师,研究方向:通信设备的硬件设计开发。