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(日照市渔业通讯管理站,山东 日照 276826)

摘  要:随着科学技术不断迅速发展,计算机网络通讯技术在社会各个行业、领域,有着越来越广泛且重要的应用,进一步丰富、方便人们的生活和工作的同时,对于计算机网络安全和稳定性,提出了更高、更新的标准要求。就现代社会而言,计算机网络已经成为人们生活、工作,必不可少的一种重要组成元素,如计算机网络通讯技术发生故障,无论是硬件故障还是软件故障,都会直接影响人们正常的工作和生活。笔者即从计算机网络通讯入手,就其常见技术故障和故障原因进行了分析,并以此为基础提出了几点应对策略,以供相关人员参考。


中图分类号:TP393.06         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0090-02

Analysis of Fault Causes and Processing Strategies of Computer Network Communication Technology

CHEN Guiqin

(Rizhao Fishery Communication Management Station,Rizhao 276826,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology of computer network communication technology in the field of social various industries,and has more and more widely and important applications,further enrich and convenient people's life and work at the same time,the computer network security and stability,and puts forward higher and newer requirements. In terms of modern society,the computer network has become people to live,work,an important essential elements,such as computer network communication technology fails,whether it be a hardware failure or software failure,will directly affect people's normal work and life. In this paper,the author analyzes the common technical faults and causes of the computer network communication,and puts forward some countermeasures for the reference of relevant personnel.

Keywords:computer network communication;technical failure;cause analysis;handling strategy


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作者简介:陈桂芹(1973.05 -),女,汉族,山东日照人,助理工程师,就职于山东省日照市渔业通讯管理站,研究方向:渔业安全信息技术。